笔趣阁 > 其他小说 > 心理历程 > 心理历程 35

心理历程 35(1 / 1)

Walking on the road in February, the fragrance of flowers accompanied by the breeze, the setting sun warms the time, the four seasons of the world and the morning and evening, morning rise and fall, cold and warm alternation, another scenery, and Beginning of Spring. I am in this all town, a bit noisy in the bustle, a bit abundant in the vast, the corner where the spring breeze blows, there is a shallow fragrance of flowers, winter and evening snow, unconsciously far away, warm sunshine, is facing the years. - You see, even though life is busy and life is unpredictable, there will be many moments in the rush, which make people happy and quiet. It is either a few rays of sunshine, or a ile, or the breeze blowing on the face, which depicts the spring of the world.Beginning of Spring, the cold winter is far away, vegetation recovery, we are in the spring of the year, planted hope, but also in a hurry on the road, looking forward to meet, I hope that the four seasons time, look up Shuyun volume sky, low eyebrows flowers reflect mountains and rivers. - The world is Beginning of Spring, and the fragrance of flowers accompanies the breeze. I like this kind of time, shallow warm and gentle, it inadvertently, blowing away the cold of deep winter, but also blowing close to the warmth of the setting sun, lightly dyeing the scenery of a city, but also full of expectations.走在二月的路上,花香伴着清风,斜阳暖过时光,人间的四季与朝暮里,晨起月落,冷暖更迭,又一番风景,又立春。我在的这座小城,热闹中几分喧嚣,苍茫里几分盎然,春风吹过的角落,已有了浅浅的花香,寒冬与暮雪,在不知觉间远去,暖暖的阳光,正迎着岁月而来。-你看,纵使生活忙碌,人生悲喜难料,这匆匆的奔途中,也会有很多的瞬间,让人雀跃欢喜,静悄而待,它或是几缕阳光,或是一抹浅笑,而或,是那扑面的清风里,描画人间的春意。立春,寒冬远去,草木复苏,我们在一年的春里,种下了希望,也在匆匆的路上,顾盼着相逢,但愿,这四季光阴,抬眸舒云卷长空,低眉百花映山水。-人间又立春,花香伴清风。我喜欢这样的时光,浅暖而温柔,它在人们不经意间,吹远了深冬未散的冷,也吹近了斜阳洒落的暖,浅染了一城风景,也泛起了满目期许。

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